Alternative finance instruments
The interest in alternative finance and the provision of guarantees is growing. In particular, crowdfunding and invoice trading are becoming increasingly popular and occupy more and more space in the capital market, and the market share of minibonds also seems to have stabilised.
As part of an online event in February 2021, we gave space to the most popular forms of alternative finance:
- Perché usufruire della finanza alternativa? Lo stato dell’arte A2F per PMI in 6 filoni
Giancarlo Giudici, Dipartimento di Ingegneria gestionale, Politecnico Milano - Der Zugang zu alternativen Finanzierungen und die Verwendung von Garantien
Barbara Jäger, Präsidentin, Garantiegenossenschaft Garfidi - Invoice trading: un semplice strumento per negoziare le proprie fatture
Marco Bortoli, GFINANCE srl – Gruppo Impresa - Come i Minibond possono aiutare la tua impresa a crescere
Davide Prete, Direttore Commerciale C&G Capital Srl - Private Equity, Venture capital und Crowdfunding
Simon Kofler, Direktor, Raiffeisenkasse Kastelruth – St. Ulrich Gen.
- Event (YouTube Playlist)
Crowdfunding allows innovative products and creative projects to be financed by investors or private individuals. Ideas come from various sectors, such as trade, industry, agriculture, real estate, or the start-up world.
There are different crowdfunding models. The difference lies in the form of participation that investors and backers receive:
- In reward-based, donors support a project and receive a product in return.
- In crowd investing, investors invest in a project or company through an equity-like participation and receive a fixed or performance-related return.
- In crowd lending, the investor provides debt capital in the form of a loan at a predetermined interest rate.
As part of an online event in July 2020, we presented several crowdfunding platforms.
- Recording of the event (YouTube Playlist)