Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano

Success stories

“An experience I highly recommend”

Dietmar Pircher

Dietmar Pircher from Silandro was one of the first participants in the 'Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs' programme, he worked for two months at the Baumeister Jäger company in Innsbruck. This gave him valuable experience for the future succession in his father's construction company. We interviewed him.

Mr. Pircher, what prompted you to participate in the Erasmus project for young men and women entrepreneurs?
Before working as an apprentice bricklayer in my father's company, I had done an apprenticeship as a gardener. At that time, the school offered me a two-month apprenticeship abroad, during which I learnt a lot. When I heard about the Erasmus project, I decided to take part in it with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano.

Which company did you work in and for how long?
I worked for two months at the Helmut Jäger construction company in Innsbruck.

What did you experience during this time?
I was able to gain an insight into the daily work in the company. In addition, I learnt a lot on the construction site. You can make contacts with experienced employees and site managers, who can teach you many things.

Were your expectations fulfilled? Would you recommend the project to others?
Thanks to this project I found a company that works according to my ideas. I would recommend the project to anyone interested.

In the future, you would like to manage your father's company. What do you see as the biggest challenges in succession?
In my opinion in a succession the main challenge is to continue to develop the existing business, but also to find new ideas to adapt to today's changes.

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