Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano

Creditworthiness report

Financial solvency of your business partners

We can offer you reports on the financial creditworthiness of your business partners abroad within a few days by relying on modeFinance, a rating agency that issues credit ratings on non-financial companies and banks.

The ratings are issued on a scale of 21 classes identified by an alphanumeric code and range from A1 (highest creditworthiness) to C3 (lowest creditworthiness), apart from classes reserved for companies that are in default or have pending bankruptcy proceedings.

Who needs a rating and why?

Rating agencies play an important role in the market by providing independent and objective opinions, limiting asymmetries and thus reducing information costs, balancing knowledge between those who buy and those who sell securities, between those who invest and those who require investment.

Moreover, this activity positively influences all other services offered, since it takes place prior to the conclusion of any transaction or contractual agreement.

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