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It is the National Agency for development, owned by the Ministry of the Economy. It manages all national incentives that favour the creation of new enterprises and innovative start-ups. - MISE
Government and Ministry of Economic Development - MICROCREDITO - FONDO CENTRALE DI GARANZIA
The Ministry of Economic Development has set up a specific financial reserve of the Guarantee Fund for SMEs for microcredit operations. In order to illustrate the measures provided for to all stakeholders, the study centre of the Ente Nazionale per il Microcredito (National Microcredit Agency) has produced a vademecum to help meet the most common requests from companies and professionals. - CONFIDI
Credit guarantee cooperative that has been actively facilitating access to credit for small and medium-sized companies in South Tyrol since 1972. - GARFIDI
South Tyrolean guarantee cooperative that issues guarantees and insures loan losses for South Tyrolean companies, facilitating their access to credit.
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